Are you interested in adopting a dog? Cause 4 Paws Toronto has placed over 1,000 dogs in homes in the Toronto area over the past 8 years. We have put together the resources and tools needed to make the transition from a stray dog to a trusted and loved
How does the process work? It starts by emailing an application to Once we receive your application we will review it to see if it would be a good match for the dog that you have applied for or perhaps another dog that we think might be a good fit. If there is a possible good fit, we will be in touch by phone to discuss the dog and our rescue. The next step would be a meet and greet and then a home visit. If those go well then there would be a two week trial (foster to adopt) with the dog in your home. During that time, you would take the dog to your vet to review their records and ensure that you and your vet have no questions about the health of the dog. You would also do your first training session to be sure that you and your family feel that the dog’s energy level, exercise, and training needs are ones that you are able to handle.
How to Start
- Read our Foster Guidelines.
- Complete our Application.
- Email your completed application to us at
- Contact us. We will give you a call to discuss your home, our dogs, and what would be best.
- Schedule a home visit. We will follow up with a home visit and if all goes well you will become a foster family for a trial period (usually a couple weeks) with the next member of your family.
- Complete our Foster Agreement.
- We will be in constant communication with you to make sure everything is going well with the fostering.
How to Finalize Adoption
- Foster. We have a foster to adopt program. Complete the foster process to proceed to adoption finalization.
- Adopt. If the trial visit is a success then there will be an adoption agreement and a fee to help to offset the costs. All of our dogs have been spayed/neutered and are up to date on shots and screenings. We are so happy that you are looking to add to your family and look forward to working with you.
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